In this document we report the main research-based studies we carried out in order to monitor the impact of the I SEE modules on students’ learning and on students’ perception of the future.
The case studies have been developed through the analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data collected by means of a multiplicity of tools: questionnaires, individual interviews, collective discussions, tutorials, audio/video records, specific grids and board diaries for observations. The specific tools for data collection have been chosen and designed to cover both individual development and collective dynamics.
In order to guarantee the credibility, reliability and robustness of the data analysis and the results, a detailed description of the whole analytic work will be carried out and documented in this report for each case. Data have been collected during the two-round I SEE module implementations (“start-up I SEE module” O1 and the “I SEE modules” O2). The main results discussed here concern the data collected during the implementation of the start-up I SEE module (O1) in the Summer School (C1). In Chapter 3 we include the results about the analysis of data collected during the implementation of I SEE module on quantum computing (O2) in Finland; moreover, we refer here to the list of these developed at the University of Bologna and the University of Helsinki about the project.
The analysis of the case studies translates into finding a way to not only explain what happens in the implementation of an I SEE module, but also what conditions are needed to overcome obstacles and maximise the probabilities of repeating successful experiences in different contexts. Moreover, the results allow to argue in deep detail what learning outcomes and skills can be developed through the implementation of the I SEE modules and how a teacher can reveal, monitor and evaluate them.
The main results, indeed, of the whole process of investigation has been the list of the markers that can reveal the impact of students’ perception of the future (the widening and approaching markers) (see case study #1,2,3) and the markers that operationally define the future-scaffolding skills (see case study #3).
The case studies are the basis for research papers that have been presented in national and international conferences and submitted to journals in science and mathematics education or to journals in the learning sciences. The published papers are reported in the Annexes.